Thursday, December 10, 2015 is a scam

Find out the shocking truth about from my experience.

This site is a well-known online dating site that potrays many beautiful arab-speaking ladies. Are these ladies genuine?? Is this site trustworthy?? You'll judge.

I joined the site in early December 2015. I applied for free credits on 3 Dec 15 by entering my credit card details. It is written on the site that my credit card will not be charged for the free credits, however the card will be charged automatically after the free credits fully utilized. I then immediately disabled the auto charging option.

To my surprise, upon signing for the free credits, I immediately received an email in the form of invoice from the site that my card was charged for USD19.98.

I replied the email using the email address as stated in the invoice on the same day to dispute the charge. There was no reply. I then sent another email on Dec 9, still there is no answer to date.

I have yet to verify the charge from my credit card statement as I have not received the statement yet.

But the issues are, why I am being charged and why no response from the site after repeated emails?? The invoice for what?

Secondly, I sent them email (using a different email address which I collected from the site) asking them to delete my account. There is also no reply to date. Strangely enough, you can't delete your account from the site, there is no provision for that. They purposely doing this so that nobody can delete their account to show that the site is very popular.

This is the act of irresponsible parties!

Thirdly, about the site itself. Are all those ladies genuine?

From my experience communicating with some of them, they are just PHOTOS! They are fake people acting behind those photos. I can judge from the answers they provided me.

Here is one example.

I communicated with a 'Muslim lady' from Morocco. She confirmed that she is a muslim. Then I asked her a basic question regarding Islam, which all Muslims should know. She could not answer. Then she started mumbling, "I like you", "I want to be with you", etc. etc. just to entice me to continue communicating with 'her'.

They'll try to engage you as long as possible so that your credits will dry out and you'll buy more credits. After all, this is how this site makes money.

I strongly believe that there are 'people' acting behind those photos. These photos might be collected from Facebook, Instagram etc. 

I also noticed that few ladies would be sending you exactly the same long message. Exactly the same phrase! How could this possible? The only answer to this is that the same fake person acting on behalf of two or more profiles.

So, based on my experience above, you can make your own judgment. There is no way I can verify the above claim but it is something not worth to pursue. 

Still not convinced?

I came across another review at through this link which I summarized below:

I just signed up to browse the profiles on ArabianDate for something to do. There was NO detail in my profile at all - no details about me beyond the bare minimum of gender, date of birth. No photos, nothing. Straight away I am getting dozens of letters and dozens of invitations to chat from women. Many letters seem to be very similar in style and lack of substance. Many chat requests proclaim they love me, they want to marry me and that I look handsome or cute. Must be clairvoyants or something since there are no photos on my profile! Unfortunately, or fortunately I suppose, I know these sorts of sites are nothing but scams as I know people who have worked for some of the contracted agencies and have been told how they are paid. Sorry guys, you are not chatting to that gorgeous lady in the photo. You are chatting with a girl or guy in an office who has been assigned to that "profile". You can tell when the person handling that profile changes because all of a sudden your “lady” doesn't remember things that you told her just a few days before... Don't believe anything about "confirmed profiles" on this site or any of their associated sites either (,, and amongst others - you can be on one site and get chat requests from ANY of the associated sites). The other day I was browsing as usual for the heck of it and got a chat request from a lady. Surprisingly, the photo was of my current partner from the Philippines! So I looked at the profile, a so-called confirmed profile. Sure enough, ALL the photos on the profile were of my partner. Most of the details on the profile were bogus but corresponded to the bogus details my partner has on one of her Facebook accounts. This so called confirmed profile is a complete load of rubbish and everything has been taken from my partner's Facebook account including the photos... my partner NEVER signed up to join AsianDate and had never heard of them. Guys, just have fun browsing but never ever pay to buy credits, the whole thing is designed to scam you of thousands of hard earned dollars...